The 5-R's to reverse chronic pain & the effects of Post Traumatic Stress.

We are as a collective living in overwhelm , uncertainty and our stress levels are at all time high! Many of us already carry and manage so much on a day to day basis, now to mention the last few years with the pandemic, it does not matter how strong you are, it can take a toll.

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Enhancing Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery: The Role of Shiatsu Therapy on Body and Mind

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a complex condition that requires a multifaceted approach to treatment and rehabilitation. While medical interventions and emerging therapies like photomodulation offer valuable contributions, complementary practices like Shiatsu therapy can also play a significant role in promoting recovery. This article explores the potential benefits of Shiatsu therapy in alleviating the effects of TBI on both the body and mind.

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Why touch Is the most powerful form of communication?

One thing I am sure of is that mindful touch is highly essential for recovery, healing and growth. You see human beings need touch like flowers/plants need water. With Isolation and physical distancing you are taking a big factor out in the equation of our well – being. That’s why the rates of suicide, abuse, addiction and mental illness are skyrocketing

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Disc Herniation - Thinking outside the box.

Motor vehicles accidents that most people experience cause a multitude of symptoms to the neck and lower back. Most therapies and therapists look at the pain areas and work on them. But what is missed often Is the shock and trauma impact on the body and where it is stored.

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Ancient movements for health & Vitality - Makko Ho

What if you had a series of movements that will not only improve your flexibility, but your strength and the health of your internal organs.

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Your Pain Is An Opportunity.

I see so many people “Trapped” in their bodies going through life suffering consciously, or unconsciously dealing with pain. What I want to say that your Pain Is and opportunity, it can be an opening for you evolve into the man, or woman that you know you can be.

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10 Tip to regain your sanity using the fall.

To be honest, as much as I love the Summer in British Columbia, Canada under these “extraordinary” times we are in, I am happy that the Fall is HERE! Why you might ask? Using the natural rhythms of our beautiful seasons here, helps to attune me the the natural world and to my own Innate natural wisdom. Nature is a powerful teacher and in the fall we can see the letting go process. It teaches us that it is inevitable and completely natural and beautiful. It shows us that we are able to let go, heal and renew ourselves.

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Working With Elite Soldiers & PTSD

In the 1980’s, Sylvester Stallone became famous for Rambo, a movie character who was the ultimate warrior. Many men and young boys, including myself at the time, idolized Rambo. I even had his posters on my wall as a kid thinking that’s who I want to be one day. But what I learned later as I became a bodymind therapist working with trauma and chronic pain; That even Rambo has a breaking point!

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The Impact of Shiatsu Therapy on the Nervous System: A Comprehensive Exploration

Shiatsu therapy is a form of Japanese therapy that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and alleviate pain. In recent years, it has gained popularity as a complementary therapy for individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma can have a profound impact on a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, and shiatsu therapy has been shown to be an effective tool in helping individuals to heal from the effects of trauma.

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12 Tips To Maximize Your Health Through The Winter

In winter here in Canada we get have bought to the concept of new years resolution and creating massive change in a time of the year where our bodymind Is depleted and lacking natural resources. That’s why so many people fail with their resolutions. It’s like starting a Journey of change with not enough “Supplies” to last you more then a couple of weeks on a road that takes months to go on and be successful.

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