Mineral and Vitamin Deficiency with chronic stress and trauma response.

In today's fast-paced world, chronic stress and trauma have become ubiquitous, often leaving a profound impact on our physical and mental well-being. When the body is under prolonged stress, it depletes essential vitamins and minerals at an accelerated rate, disrupting various physiological processes.

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Unlocking the Healing Potential: The Role of the Lymphatic System in Chronic Pain and Disease Recovery

Discover the hidden potential of the lymphatic system as a key player in healing.

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The protective patterns of trauma - Mihael Mamychshvili

Insights into the protective mechanisms that individuals adopt following traumatic experiences.

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5 Tips to Establish New Habits and Manage Chronic Pain in the New Year 2024.

The beginning of a new year often ushers in a wave of enthusiasm for change and growth. For those managing chronic pain, the prospect of establishing new habits can be both daunting and promising. However, with the right approach, it’s possible to cultivate habits that not only support your health and well-being but also aid in pain management. Here are five tips to kickstart your journey toward establishing new habits in the new year.

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Understanding the Link Between Childhood Trauma and Chronic Pain: From Bodyworker Perspective.

Explore the profound connection between childhood trauma and chronic pain through the lens of bodywork. Unravel how physical imprints of past traumas affect pain manifestation and discover therapeutic pathways toward healing

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The Mind-Body Connection: How Thoughts and Emotions Can Create Chronic Pain

This article explores the fascinating connection between our minds and bodies, shedding light on how thoughts and emotions can create and perpetuate chronic pain.

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Harnessing Healing Scents: My Top 6 Aromatherapy Essential Oils for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

I have used personally and professionally essential oils for over 20 years. To help me overcome my own Post traumatic stress disorder and symptoms such as; anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, tension, headaches, nausea and much more. How does it work and specifically for Post traumatic Stress Disorder?

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The Diaphragm the great mediator between mind & body.

The human body is a complex and interconnected system where every component plays a crucial role in maintaining health and well-being. Among these components, the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle located beneath the ribcage, is often underestimated in its significance. Beyond its primary function in respiration, the diaphragm plays a profound role in regulating the nervous system, influencing both our physical and mental states. This article explores the essential relationship between the diaphragm and the nervous system from a body-mind perspective.

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The Vagus Nerve: Unravelling The Mysteries Of The BodyMind.

Have you ever wondered about the intricate pathways that allow your body to function seamlessly? Well, let me introduce you to the vagus nerve, a fascinating and influential component of our physiology. Aptly named after its wandering nature, the vagus nerve meanders through our body, connecting various organs and facilitating vital communication and control.

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Alignment and the nervous system

Our traumas, our suffering and our exposure from a young age to stressors affects our alignment and our mis-alignment re-enforces our pain story.

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The 5-R's to reverse chronic pain & the effects of Post Traumatic Stress.

We are as a collective living in overwhelm , uncertainty and our stress levels are at all time high! Many of us already carry and manage so much on a day to day basis, now to mention the last few years with the pandemic, it does not matter how strong you are, it can take a toll.

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Enhancing Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery: The Role of Shiatsu Therapy on Body and Mind

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a complex condition that requires a multifaceted approach to treatment and rehabilitation. While medical interventions and emerging therapies like photomodulation offer valuable contributions, complementary practices like Shiatsu therapy can also play a significant role in promoting recovery. This article explores the potential benefits of Shiatsu therapy in alleviating the effects of TBI on both the body and mind.

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