Alignment and the nervous system

Our traumas, our suffering and our exposure from a young age to stressors affects our alignment and our mis-alignment re-enforces our pain story.

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10 Tip to regain your sanity using the fall.

To be honest, as much as I love the Summer in British Columbia, Canada under these “extraordinary” times we are in, I am happy that the Fall is HERE! Why you might ask? Using the natural rhythms of our beautiful seasons here, helps to attune me the the natural world and to my own Innate natural wisdom. Nature is a powerful teacher and in the fall we can see the letting go process. It teaches us that it is inevitable and completely natural and beautiful. It shows us that we are able to let go, heal and renew ourselves.

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12 Tips To Maximize Your Health Through The Winter

In winter here in Canada we get have bought to the concept of new years resolution and creating massive change in a time of the year where our bodymind Is depleted and lacking natural resources. That’s why so many people fail with their resolutions. It’s like starting a Journey of change with not enough “Supplies” to last you more then a couple of weeks on a road that takes months to go on and be successful.

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Empowered Vulnerability Is The Key To Your Freedom

n the last 20 years as a therapist, I have found that often it is a client’s fear of being vulnerable which hinders their healing process. A person’s inner beauty and individual uniqueness can be seen when vulnerability is shared between two humans. There are two inherent needs that we human beings have and they are to be Seen and to be understood. What prevents this exchange is our own fear and sometimes shame at being vulnerable in front of someone else

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