7 Ways to heal your nervous system

Your nervous system is so much more than a collection of nerves and neurons; it’s the highway that connects your brain to every other cell in your body. It’s what gives you clarity of thought, makes you feel good or bad, and even affects how you digest food. Your nervous system is directly connected to almost every part of your life - from stress levels to how well you sleep at night.

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Working With Elite Soldiers & PTSD

In the 1980’s, Sylvester Stallone became famous for Rambo, a movie character who was the ultimate warrior. Many men and young boys, including myself at the time, idolized Rambo. I even had his posters on my wall as a kid thinking that’s who I want to be one day. But what I learned later as I became a bodymind therapist working with trauma and chronic pain; That even Rambo has a breaking point!

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