The protective patterns of trauma - Mihael Mamychshvili

Insights into the protective mechanisms that individuals adopt following traumatic experiences.

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Disc Herniation - Thinking outside the box.

Motor vehicles accidents that most people experience cause a multitude of symptoms to the neck and lower back. Most therapies and therapists look at the pain areas and work on them. But what is missed often Is the shock and trauma impact on the body and where it is stored.

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It's not too late & you are not too old.

When people ask me who are your teachers? Who taught you everything that you know? I always answer.. "my clients, in particular the elderly".

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Your Pain Is An Opportunity.

I see so many people “Trapped” in their bodies going through life suffering consciously, or unconsciously dealing with pain. What I want to say that your Pain Is and opportunity, it can be an opening for you evolve into the man, or woman that you know you can be.

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